Elect John West

for Josephine County Commissioner in 2022

Hello Josephine County, 

My name is John West, and I am running for County Commissioner… 

I have lived most of my adult life in the area.  As a successful business owner and resident of Josephine County, I recognize that we live in a beautiful area, but have critical needs that are not being met by our local government.  By studying our county’s past and doing viable future planning we can provide an even better life for our residents and businesses.  That should be done through increased opportunity, rather than more taxation.  Civic service is one of the ways I can give back to my community for the wonderful life I have carved out here.  Having lived here long enough to understand local history and politics, I think I can help provide voters and my community with the following qualities:

  • 100% funding my own campaign.
  • Noted Fiscal Responsibility
  • Proven Business Sense
  • Reduced Future Tax Burden
  • Practical Decision Making
  • Better Balance of Power
  • Constructive Solutions
  • Reduced Burdens from the State
  • Reduced Burdens from the Federal Govt.
  • Accessibility to YOUR County Commissioner

Earning YOUR VOTE to provide needed leadership and responsibility before and after the election is my target.  Josephine County Taxpayers already have enough money asked of them, so you will not see solicitations for donations for my campaign.


I’m simply asking for your vote!


– John

John West
Josephine County
Commission Candidate
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